Five Questions From JA of My New Plaid Pants
Fuck yea! My first truly worthy blog entry that might catch some people's eyes. Currently the only people that I know of who have visited my blog have been: JA, J.D (Joes Movie Corner), RC (Strange Culture) and Glenn (Stale Popcorn). More people checking out my blog would be cool. It's nothing special, but I enjoy posting stuff on here. But, enough of my rambling. Question answering time.
1 - So have you read Deathly Hallows yet or what????????? If so, whaddyathink? If not, WHY?
No I have not read Deathly Hallows yet. I would buy it right now if I could, but I put it on the list of birthday presents for my friend to give me. I have to wait and see if she got it for me or not. I was tempted to go online and look at spoilers, but I held back. =D
2 - I see amongst your film grades that you gave Saw III an "A" while you gave Hostel:Part II a "B." What about the former spoke to you more than the latter? I'm genuinely curious, since my hatred for the Saw films could fill a football stadium with bile, while I'm an oft Roth apologist.
First of all, I think it's awesome that you are a Roth apologist. Too many people give him shit nowadays when he doesn't deserve it. Second of all, I felt more invested in the characters of Saw III then I did in the girls of Hostel: Part 2. Eli Roth did not flesh out Whitney, Lorna and Beth as well as he did Paxton and Josh in Hostel. I really only cared for Lorna the whole way through because she was a sweet girl and I didn't want anything too bad to happen to her. When she was sliced, I felt bad because she did not deserve what she got. I only cared about Beth and Whitney when they were getting tortured (especially Whitney....thinking about the scene gives me goosebumps). In Saw 3 I was invested in all of the characters from the get go. I wanted Lynn to escape from her death collar and get back together with Jeff, I wanted Jigsaw to survive his condition, I wanted Amanda to realize how stupid she was and stop doing what she was doing, I wanted Jeff to avenge his son, I wanted Kerry to NOT get her sides torn off. I loved the contraptions in Saw III and everyones individual stories. I think they were all executed extremely well. Hostel: Part II's backstories were okay. Stuart and Todd's stories were pretty interesting, but the three girls' were kinda boring all the way through (except for one @ the end). I did like the ways that the girls were tortured though. Very creative as well. While Saw III feels complete, Hostel: Part II feels partially whole. Hostel: Part II is a good movie, Saw III is an excellent one.
3 - I'm cribbing this question from my lil' round via Samurai Frog: What would be the one movie you'd like most to be see made - meaning who'd direct, what would the story be, who would star in it?
Interesting. I would like the novel "A Bend in the Road" by Nicholas Sparks to be transferred to the big screen. I think A Walk to Remember, The Notebook and Message in a Bottle are great adaptations, so why not add another one to that list. For the two leads, I would cast either James Marsden, Billy Crudup, Joshua Jackson or Jake Gyllenhaal for Miles and Mandy Moore, Kelly Clarkson, Christina Ricci or Drew Barrymore for Sarah. I would get Paul Haggis to write it and him, Darren Aronofsky, Vadim Perelman or Martin Scorsese =D to direct it.
4 - A train leaves Baltimore going West at 65mph at 6am. Another train leaves Walla Walla going East at 70mph an hour later. When they collide, do more people survive who preferred Brokeback Mountain or who preferred Crash? And, of those who die, which ones go to Heaven? (This last portion could be considered a trick question since I'm an atheist. Actually, the entire thing could be considered a trick question, but just roll with it)
Very interesting question. An equal amount of people who loved Brokeback Mountain and an equal amount of people who loved Crash would die and survive. All the people that died would go to a happier place. The people that survived would become friends after experiencing this train disaster and would slowly start to like both Crash and Brokeback Mountain.
5 - An oldie but a goodie - five people, dead or alive, you'd want to spend a night with. Like dinner, I mean, not sexytime. Or sure, sexytime, whatever you deem appropriate for the crowd you collect. Who am I to judge!
I like this question the best. 1) Ellen Burstyn because I think her performance in Requiem for a Dream is the best performance I have seen anyone give. She absolutely floored me. The performance showed me what a brave actress she is. To be in her presence would be fucking extraordinary. 2) Nicole Kidman because she is one hell of an actress and seems to be a very nice person. 3) Ray Charles because his music transcends what we listen to today. I never get tired of his music. 4) Dan Castellaneta because I think his voice work as Homer on The Simpsons is the best voice work ever done. He is also fucking hilarious too. (The first 4 are all dinners) 5)Is a 3 way tie between Beyonce, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Halle Berry because they are all smokin' hot and extremely talented. Sexytime with each of them would be greatly appreciated.
If you want me to ask you some questions, just comment me and I will send some questions to you asap (actually, when I feel like it, which won't be that long).
Thank you for asking the questions JA.
1 - So have you read Deathly Hallows yet or what????????? If so, whaddyathink? If not, WHY?
No I have not read Deathly Hallows yet. I would buy it right now if I could, but I put it on the list of birthday presents for my friend to give me. I have to wait and see if she got it for me or not. I was tempted to go online and look at spoilers, but I held back. =D
2 - I see amongst your film grades that you gave Saw III an "A" while you gave Hostel:Part II a "B." What about the former spoke to you more than the latter? I'm genuinely curious, since my hatred for the Saw films could fill a football stadium with bile, while I'm an oft Roth apologist.
First of all, I think it's awesome that you are a Roth apologist. Too many people give him shit nowadays when he doesn't deserve it. Second of all, I felt more invested in the characters of Saw III then I did in the girls of Hostel: Part 2. Eli Roth did not flesh out Whitney, Lorna and Beth as well as he did Paxton and Josh in Hostel. I really only cared for Lorna the whole way through because she was a sweet girl and I didn't want anything too bad to happen to her. When she was sliced, I felt bad because she did not deserve what she got. I only cared about Beth and Whitney when they were getting tortured (especially Whitney....thinking about the scene gives me goosebumps). In Saw 3 I was invested in all of the characters from the get go. I wanted Lynn to escape from her death collar and get back together with Jeff, I wanted Jigsaw to survive his condition, I wanted Amanda to realize how stupid she was and stop doing what she was doing, I wanted Jeff to avenge his son, I wanted Kerry to NOT get her sides torn off. I loved the contraptions in Saw III and everyones individual stories. I think they were all executed extremely well. Hostel: Part II's backstories were okay. Stuart and Todd's stories were pretty interesting, but the three girls' were kinda boring all the way through (except for one @ the end). I did like the ways that the girls were tortured though. Very creative as well. While Saw III feels complete, Hostel: Part II feels partially whole. Hostel: Part II is a good movie, Saw III is an excellent one.
3 - I'm cribbing this question from my lil' round via Samurai Frog: What would be the one movie you'd like most to be see made - meaning who'd direct, what would the story be, who would star in it?
Interesting. I would like the novel "A Bend in the Road" by Nicholas Sparks to be transferred to the big screen. I think A Walk to Remember, The Notebook and Message in a Bottle are great adaptations, so why not add another one to that list. For the two leads, I would cast either James Marsden, Billy Crudup, Joshua Jackson or Jake Gyllenhaal for Miles and Mandy Moore, Kelly Clarkson, Christina Ricci or Drew Barrymore for Sarah. I would get Paul Haggis to write it and him, Darren Aronofsky, Vadim Perelman or Martin Scorsese =D to direct it.
4 - A train leaves Baltimore going West at 65mph at 6am. Another train leaves Walla Walla going East at 70mph an hour later. When they collide, do more people survive who preferred Brokeback Mountain or who preferred Crash? And, of those who die, which ones go to Heaven? (This last portion could be considered a trick question since I'm an atheist. Actually, the entire thing could be considered a trick question, but just roll with it)
Very interesting question. An equal amount of people who loved Brokeback Mountain and an equal amount of people who loved Crash would die and survive. All the people that died would go to a happier place. The people that survived would become friends after experiencing this train disaster and would slowly start to like both Crash and Brokeback Mountain.
5 - An oldie but a goodie - five people, dead or alive, you'd want to spend a night with. Like dinner, I mean, not sexytime. Or sure, sexytime, whatever you deem appropriate for the crowd you collect. Who am I to judge!
I like this question the best. 1) Ellen Burstyn because I think her performance in Requiem for a Dream is the best performance I have seen anyone give. She absolutely floored me. The performance showed me what a brave actress she is. To be in her presence would be fucking extraordinary. 2) Nicole Kidman because she is one hell of an actress and seems to be a very nice person. 3) Ray Charles because his music transcends what we listen to today. I never get tired of his music. 4) Dan Castellaneta because I think his voice work as Homer on The Simpsons is the best voice work ever done. He is also fucking hilarious too. (The first 4 are all dinners) 5)Is a 3 way tie between Beyonce, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Halle Berry because they are all smokin' hot and extremely talented. Sexytime with each of them would be greatly appreciated.
If you want me to ask you some questions, just comment me and I will send some questions to you asap (actually, when I feel like it, which won't be that long).
Thank you for asking the questions JA.
The answer to no. 4 is probably the best thing ever written. Or at least the most bi-partisan.
By J.D., At 12:18 PM
Very civil answer on #4 there, Barry, well done. ;-)
Good on you for avoiding the Potter spoilers, you're stronger than I. I had such a hard time in the week leading up to the book's release making it, it was of dire importance that I read the book as quickly as possible so I could start going back to half the sites I was avoiding.
Word on Ellen Burstyn. I completely agree.
I agree on everything you said on Hostel: Part II, too; it's by no means perfect, and feels sadly incomplete. I was hoping for more. And you argue well for Saw... not that I'm still having any of it! ;-)
By Jason Adams, At 12:20 PM
I'd love to be questioned by you! :D
By Sam Brooks, At 12:06 AM
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